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Outputting list of LOR channels


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Wrote a little PERL script for myself that some might find handy. It simply takes a .lms or .las file and lists all the channels in an output file that can be pulled into Excel. (or you can just pull the LMS into excel too).LORListChannels.pl

LORListChannels.pl written by John Storms. Feb 2016
LORListChannels.pl <infile> <outputfile> [Universe#] [Universe#] [UnitID#]...
<infile>.................LOR file containing channel information (.LMS, .LAS)
<outputfile>.............Text file created by this script holding channel
                         Will contain channel information seperated by commas
[Universe# or UnitID#]...Universe or UnitID numbers seperated by spaces.
                         Channels in the specified universes and UnitIDs will
                         be documented in the ouputfile.
                         Not specifying any Universe or UnitID's will result in
                         all channels being documented in tthe outfile.

Link to script: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B95M-4jUDX5abnFzLS0xdHdKRDg

Ouput is comma deliminated text file. For example:

Channel Name,Universe,UnitID,Channel
CACTUS s1 p47 (R),18,,139
CACTUS s1 p47 (G),18,,140
CACTUS s1 p47 (B),18,,141
CACTUS s2 p18 (R),18,,202
CACTUS s2 p18 (G),18,,203
CACTUS s2 p18 (B),18,,204
CACTUS s1 p43 (R),18,,127
CACTUS s1 p43 (G),18,,128
CACTUS s1 p43 (B),18,,129
CACTUS s2 p22 (R),18,,214
CACTUS s2 p22 (G),18,,215
CACTUS s2 p22 (B),18,,216
CACTUS s1 p48 (R),18,,142
CACTUS s1 p48 (G),18,,143

Don't know how to install PERL on your Windows machine?


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Sort it to figure out where unused channels are. Create a checklist of items tested, installed, etc. If you are converting over to DMX keeping a list of what has been renumbered and what hasn't, etc.

Note that you can easily get this list just by opening a .LMS file in Excel. Even better open an exported configuration (.LCC) file since it won't have all the channel information.

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