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question re. Copying channel info between tracks


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I have dug thru help and have not found the answer to this question.

Can you copy track information between two tracks that have different timing?

I found duplicate channel info. but it does not give a track timing change opton.

Many thanks

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I did this recently. The new channel showed the timings of the new track, but the actual channel timings were the same as when the channel was in it's original track (if that makes sense).

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No it doesn't!!! Let me re-phrase.

I have a track with 1 second timing and all my channels are set up color/name, controller number & channel number, etc.

I want to copy that same information (not timing) to a second track with 0.05 sec timing.

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BobinFL wrote:

I have a track with 1 second timing and all my channels are set up color/name, controller number & channel number, etc.

I want to copy that same information (not timing) to a second track with 0.05 sec timing.

Yes, you can. Try this:

(1) Set up your first track, with the 1 second timings and all of your channel info.

(2) Select "Duplicate Track" from the "Edit" menu.

(3) That will bring up a window asking you for a few options about how you want to duplicate the track. Make sure that "Duplicate Timings" is off.

(4) You now have a new track, with the same channels/events/et cetera as the first, but no timings. Add your 0.05 second timings to it.
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bob wrote:

Yes, you can. Try this:

(1) Set up your first track, with the 1 second timings and all of your channel info.

(2) Select "Duplicate Track" from the "Edit" menu.

(3) That will bring up a window asking you for a few options about how you want to duplicate the track. Make sure that "Duplicate Timings" is off.

(4) You now have a new track, with the same channels/events/et cetera as the first, but no timings. Add your 0.05 second timings to it.

When you add additional timings, it appears that your only option is to 'add equally spaced timings to the selection'. I, too, cannot find a way to add by time interval.

Could this be an option on an upcoming release?
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iresq what I did was what lor bob suggested and that was to copy with no timings and then I right clicked..added 1000 cells, selected the cells and then resized to 0.05 sec. a little tedious because it only modifys the cell you created and when you resize you have to keep adding and resizing until you fill the sequence. better the having to add each one by hand !!!!


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We intend to add an easier way to do that in the future, but there are ways to do it right now. I think the easiest way to do it right now is probably to copy a single 0.05 second timing, and then use the "Paste Timings Multiple" function to copy it all the way to the end of the sequence.

Here are details on how to do so:

(1) Add a single timing to your new track, at 0.05 seconds.

(2) Select the cell from 0 to 0.05.

(3) "Copy Timings" (available from either the Edit menu or the right-click popup menu).

(4) "Paste Timings Multiple" (available from the same places). Select the "All the way to the end of the sequence" option.

I think that should do what you want.

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