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Intensity File for SS props


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I didn't switch to PE this year, as the 19k channels are running great this year under LOR. However, I'm adding 12,800 pixels next year, so I'm trying to start testing with PE.


I've tested with a copy of my LMS file (where I've copied and pasted from exported SS LMS files), and migrated the multiple Superstar props into PE, and then removed data from SE file. Seems to work and play fine.


Would there be a performance gain in having exported the SS props as intensity data, i.e. multiple intensity files?


Obviously a bit more of a pain with a remote show computer that files have to be remotely transferred to.





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  • 3 weeks later...

Do I have to export using the intensity format to be able to use them with the Pexcon 16 or will the legacy format work?



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The legacy format will work with the Pixcon 16 controller. You just have to export using the DMX universe and channels you are using for your Pixcon 16 controller.

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