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SuperStar adding an RGB, CCB-100D-BULBS and CTB16PC to sequencer


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I am a newbie and have been given one RGB, CCB-100D-BULBS  and CTB16PC for an early christmas present.  I am realizing that I should have been given this in Sept in order to get something going.  But to get something going now I have purchased  SuperStar 2CCb package.  Now I have trouble getting both going in this sequencer.  How can I add both of these devices in the super star sequencer so I can get something going for this christmas.



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First you need to configure the controllers you have and assign them Unit IDs

I would suggest using Unit ID 01 for the 16 channel controller

use Unit ID 02 for the CCB controller

configure the CCB controller to be "dual normal"


When configured as "dual normal" the CCB controller will use the unit ID that you set for the first string and will automatically assign the next unit ID to the second string

In your case the first string will end up being unit ID 02, and the second string will be unit ID 03


Create a visualization of your light display in the Visualizer and import it into superstar. Realize that in the visualizer it does not have a CCB tool. As far as the software is concerned you will treat your CCB strings as if each string is a CCR.

There is a video tutorial on creating a visualization and importing it into superstar. Go to the lightorama main page, click on "Support" then click on "Tutorials." The superstar tutorials are near the bottom of the page. The last two superstar tutorials are the ones that are about creating a visualization and then importing it into superstar and sequencing it.


After watching the tutorials if you have further questions let me know.

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I still can't get the superstar to sequence both types of controllers together.  On the visualizer it will not take the RGB controller. 

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