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I plugged everything up and powered it up. One channel was on bright. And a few others very dimly lit. It's been raining off and on all day. The channel fully on prolly a triac? I have spare channels. And the ones dimly lit prolly just the weather and moisture? Is it okay to run show or should I just leave it all powered down and wait till tommorow night

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On those dimly lit, if they are LEDs, unplug and reverse, plugging back in. See if it stops. Its probably water. I have several on due to the same rain system you are getting there too. I ran the show last night without issue but I wouldn't want to walk out there while its running. I'll reverse mine today.

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Oh ok. Yah. We didn't get slot of rain just a steady sprinkle all day long. Ground and grass is real wet. Think I remember this happening last season as well and it just worked it self out once it dries up.

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