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Just can't figure it out.......Problem with 1 sequence


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Everything works fine for me. 22 sequenced songs, about half of which I created myself.

Already ran the show multiple times, and everything is great, except.........

I have a full size leg lamp in the window (A Christmas Story).

I created a sequence using the audio from the movie when the "old man" gets his "major award".

I have 48 channels, and all I want is the one window with the lamp in it to be on when this particular audio plays. This one window has a channel dedicated soley to it.

It won't come on.

I ran the audio through audacity and it's encoded at 128.

I thought, well I'll just create the sequence again which is really easy since all it is is having one channel on, and since it didn't work the first time. Same results.

I did it four more times and still the same result.

There is nothing wrong with the channel, as that window lights up perfectly in all my other sequences.




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Make sure that the window is plugged into that channel and not another, I have crossed wires a time or two with the same results.

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Everything is hooked up correctly. The correct channel is assigned to that window.

When channel 9 on Controller 1 should be on, it's not. Channel 9 on controller 2 is.

Now I know you're going to say I have something plugged in incorrectly. I don't. Controllers 1 and 2 are on complete opposite sides of the yard.

So then that would lead us to having the channels incorrectly assigned when I edited the sequence. They're not. Triple checked it.

The only thing I have done is switch up a few channels. I.e changing a channel on controller 1.1 to 2.1 and then switched 2.1 to 1.1. I did this with several channels, but I made sure I changed every single sequence I have.

After another run through today, I noticed a few of my channels were misbehaving.

Any help would be appreciated. If you need more detailed info, I'll provide it.

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Like LORisAwesome mentioned, close the sequence editor, open the Hardware Utility; use it to check all the channels one at a time


If the HU utility works the way you expect it to(all the channels assigned correctly, and it does NOT work  in the sequence, then the problem is the sequence, duplicate channels, wrong channel assigment, etc

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Like LORisAwesome mentioned, close the sequence editor, open the Hardware Utility; use it to check all the channels one at a time


If the HU utility works the way you expect it to(all the channels assigned correctly, and it does NOT work  in the sequence, then the problem is the sequence, duplicate channels, wrong channel assigment, etc

Or the wrong network

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Had a very similar situation earlier myself, fortunately it was operator error and it was the sequence had the wrong channel assigned to the item.   I went though a printout of my sequence and channel config file, sure enough I had not changed or imported the current config file into that sequence.  I had the button labeled correctly for the channel and unit, but in reality in the config file itself when I checked it thoroughly against the config file that worked in another sequence, I found the error.   And the program used to verify issues also helps a great deal, but can be easy to miss in there sometimes.   Actually did have the wrong channel and wrong channel config set in the sequence causing the issues.


I had a snowman on Controller 1 Ch. 14, when it was supposed to actually be on Controller 3 Ch. 14 in ONE sequence!   And it's easy to miss this too.   Liked to drove me crazy for 3 days trying to hunt down and find the problem!

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