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Lucky duck !   I had one which is blocking all the others down the chain.   Saw the cat5 was dirty and chucked / replaced it but that one still blocked.   Flashlight showed that dirty cat5 had bent the pins inside the jack.  I HATE that so much!  The sucker was all wired up and bolted down so I had to contort myself to see in there.  At least its a sunny 50 degrees out today.     12 down and 5 more to go on the AC.   All but one of the pixels controllers look good so might finish today.     May everyone have the luck  MikeA had today !

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I got 99 percent of display up and 4 Outta 19 controllers out lol. Still gotta run Spt across everything and plug it all up. And put my poxel strips up for the pixel tree. Supposed to go live Friday night. Guess I know what my hanks giving consists of. Hope weather cooperates

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