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Awww come on can I please. Please please please please please. You Guys take the fun out of everything. I should add I got all my homework done all I have to do is turn it on.

Edited by Ebuechner
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I could use about 16 of these things for my display next year,



Those are very cool!    But couldn't use them where I live, no open flame/fires allowed in my community, except for a grill and must be attended at all times.    


But would still love to have one for playing around with though.



Hey DevMike, I can just see it, a 16 channel CTB16PC wired though 16 ~AC~ powered relays, wired to the remote fire button for display use.    Sure would be a cool and eye catching effect that's for sure.

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Cool?  Yes absolutely.  But we can't even convince people to be safe with electricity by using GFCIs.  There is NO WAY we want people using fire.  We won't support any application that uses pyro.

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I recall seeing a video on the main page of the Light O Rama site that gave examples of what could be done. In that video I clearly recall seeing pumpkins with flames flying out of them. DevMike is this a case of do as I say not as I do.

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I recall seeing a video on the main page of the Light O Rama site that gave examples of what could be done. In that video I clearly recall seeing pumpkins with flames flying out of them. DevMike is this a case of do as I say not as I do.

Oh believe you me, I've had discussions with the Web team about that video already -- as far back as July.  Unfortunately Web team does not answer to the dev team so it's still there.


There is nothing we can do to stop you from doing it.  But if we learn of it, you are on your own.  We in NO WAY endorse it.

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I totally understand. I couldn't help myself from pointing that out. I'm self employed and one of the things I own is a convenience store. And it's amazing how many people will try to put gasoline in a milk jug. Then turn around and get mad at us when we tell them we can't do that it's against the law. (These are the same sort of people that I know you're concerned about). And then they do something incredibly stupid next thing you know the lawyers are trying to figure out who has the deepest pockets

Edited by Ebuechner
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Those are very cool!    But couldn't use them where I live, no open flame/fires allowed in my community, except for a grill and must be attended at all times.    


But would still love to have one for playing around with though.



Hey DevMike, I can just see it, a 16 channel CTB16PC wired though 16 ~AC~ powered relays, wired to the remote fire button for display use.    Sure would be a cool and eye catching effect that's for sure.


There was a Halloween display on YouTube that used fire. A display in this country, that does use LOR, had two of the devices above in an Alien and it looked very good.

They may have used LOR, it doesn't say.


Would you support a display that has DMX512 controlled fire?


I know what DMX shouldn't be used for Pyro. 

Professionals normally control fire effects from timecode.


There are some, and a few made by well known brands, fire projectors but they all need a certain channel to be set at a "safety" level. For example the channel after has to be on 30% exactly for the fire to work.


I think those ones only allow fire for a few seconds.



As long as used safely, it would not make a difference to LOR (Actual stuff), it is just another DMX device - But I totally understand why LOR (Company) would not want anything to do with the fire directly because of safety and stuff.

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