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Official Contest Date


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Hello, as description ask, was wondering when the cut off date is on the contest for videos. Can't find it in web page or here.

Thanks, Chuck

Edit: OK, found where Contest #1 is Ending Jan 16, it this true for YouTube Contest?

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For both contests, emails must be sent before midnight Jan 16 2008 and paper mail must be postmarked no later than Jan 16.


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Geez I totally forgot about the contest. Not sure I'll have my new video's ready... I already have 2006 videos that say "Lightorama" and "LOR" in the keywords, is that good enough or should I get boogying on getting my videos rendered?

I might actually have a snowballs chance in a "random" contest ;)


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Tim Fischer wrote:

Geez I totally forgot about the contest. Not sure I'll have my new video's ready... I already have 2006 videos that say "Lightorama" and "LOR" in the keywords, is that good enough or should I get boogying on getting my videos rendered?

I might actually have a snowballs chance in a "random" contest :P


For the YoutTube contest you can enter last year's (any year's videos). As long as they are different videos you can enter as many as you want. The more entries the more chances you get. You get one chance for each entry. For example: if we had 1000 entries total and you entered 10 entries you would have 1 chance in 100 of winning. The odds for winning this contest will be much better than most!
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