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that the timings are off when I play "Full Sequence" and then try to refine things by playing "Visible screen".  It seems to be a full second off when playing Visible screen.  It makes it quite frustrating, cumbersome and time consuming to start from the beginning each time.  Is there a way to deal with this?





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Make sure your MP3s are CBR 128 if I remember right.

I usually copy all MP3s to wav files using audacity then sequence my songs with the wav audio. That's just me.

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Constant Bit Rate.


mp3 files can have have the data at a constant rate, or at a variable rate.  Using a variable rate results in a smaller file, but causes lots of grief for programs that need to start in the middle of the file - such as LOR.

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OK thanks.  I converted my mp3 file to a WAV file using Audacity.  Now, is there a way to export the entire timing scheme from the mp3 based song and then import it to the WAV song?  The only export function I see is for the channel configuration, which I have done.  I tried a copy/paste and while it did in fact paste the timings into the proper channels, the timings were way off.  I tried to skew it to the left but that didn't work.  Any thoughts?

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I think what you are asking is how to get the newly created audio file into your current sequence.


Click Edit -> Media File and select the new audio file.

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Sure will I think. 


I was thinking the timing sequences needed to be applied to the new WAV file, rather than the WAV file being imported into my existing sequence.  Thanks, I continue to learn but I am starting to get the hang of sequencing.

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So now I know that there are variable bit rate and constant bit rate audio files and LOR works much better with constant bit rate files.  I have also learned that Audacity has the ability to convert an mp3 file to a WAV file.  Then with an Audacity add-on named LAME mp3, you can export a file to a constant bit rate file.  So....my question is this; what is the best type of file to use with LOR?  A WAV file or mp3 file?  I am assuming both should be CBR type files.

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You have learned well Padawan...


Either will work.  mp3 takes a lot less disk space.  Wave files are always constant bit rate.

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As Jim said, either will work.


I use the wav for sequencing and if memory space is an issue, I will delete the wav and use the MP3 for the show. The MP3 CBR works just fine during the show. It's just that when working sequences, the MP3 tends to lag a little and then more as the sequence runs to the end.


Wav to sequence.

MP3 for show.

Or Wav for both if memory allows.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Happy Thanksgiving all!


OK, one more question on CBR.  Is there a way to tell if the media file you are working on is CBR or VBR? I am thinking of some sequences that I used the first and only year so far that I have had a show.  All my sequences from that show were done by others and now that I know more about it, I am trying to modify them to better fit my configuration.  I can't see anywhere in the editor that it tells me.

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