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pixel mega tree


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Alright so I bought pixnode strips ealier in the season from holiday coro to mount my pixels in, these are part of the quick tree setup that holiday coro offers. Well I ordered the strips with one inch spacing on center thinking I would be able to stretch the pixels 3 inches apart but I am unable to do so as the wire connecting the pixels gets pulled to hard. My solution is to mount my pixels 3 in then 2 in then 3in and 2in apart all the way down. By doing this the wire connecting the pixels is no longer being pulled to hard. My question is, when lit up at night will my tree look weird with 3in,2in,3in,2in spacing all the way down? 

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My guess is it won't look right. Why not just go with 2 inch spacing? I know your tree won't be as tall but it will look right.

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