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I am in need to decorate a 20 foot tree. I needs it to be Smart Pixels (I think) since I need any bulb to be any color at any time. What do I need to be to do this and how many lights strands would I need? 

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The Cosmic Color Pixels from Light-O-Rama are 25ft in length, with 50 bulbs on 6in spacing. Each CCB controller can handle two strings.


How dense you want the tree to be (in regards to the horizontal spacing) will determine how many strings you need.

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Will need Sequence Editor or Pixel Editor and the right license to handle them.

Bit of a learning cure, for me anyway. Took me a week to get my new Pixel strings hooked up and figured out. Hardware and software. So glad I did it though. Only a small Jumbotron 12X25 this year but will add a lot to the show and good practice for next year.

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Are you talking about wrapping a 20ft live tree.  Or building a mega tree.

If a live tree, would take a bunch of money with smart pixels. Even 120v led strings wpuld be expensive.

Edited by mpageler
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