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Some pixel randomly stay on red before the start of a new song...


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So in some instances I notice that a random pixel will stay on red at the end of a sequence but will work fine as soon as the next song fires up...it's not consistent and only seems to happen on one leg of a 12 legg tree and maybe one other window frame. I have heard that this is too much power?  If so why would it not affect other pixels the same way?


Other possibilities to look for....


Bad ground connection....data conection?


I use 12v ws2811 pixels and controlled by a P12 with a 350W PS from Ray Wu 

Edited by ezimnow
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When I have had a pixel stay on whatever color before or after....or during a sequence...it has meant one thing. That pixel is bad.

For me it has almost always been caused by water. And it is typically the first pixel because that is where the connector is.

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Eddie - I have also experienced this and it was a too much power issue. I had the power supply turned up to make sure my lights were white and not pinkish, and it made a few pixels stuck on in between songs and on controller boot up. Try turning it down and see if it fixes it. PS - can't wait to see your display.

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