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Wanting multiple fixtures on same line of grid


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I have been experimenting with re-arranging the visualization that is used to create the grid in order to have the grid come out a specific way.  I almost have what I'm trying to accomplish. However I'm running into an issue.  I have found that when SuperStar imports the visualizations, it is insisting on splitting a row of pixels that are placed in the visualization as a straight horizontal row of pixels because they are two different fixtures.  For example, my pixel star has six concentric rings of pixels.  The six rings have 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, & 30 pixels.  In visualizer each ring is two fixtures - left and right.  For this grid input visualization, each ring is drawn as a single horizontal line of pixels.  When Superstar imports the visualization, it has one fixture on one row and the the other fixture on the next row.  I have the Max Length of the Sequencing grid set to 100 so that is not forcing it to split the lines.  Is there a way to get it to not split the lines just because they happen to be in a different fixture?


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If the fixtures are in a prop, bring up the Prop Properties dialog box, click on the "superstar" button and there is a setting that has to do with the prop being a matrix. Set it to "No"


You can also email the visualization file to brian@superstarlights.com and I will take a look at it

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Brian and I spent a while on the phone and came up with a solution that is working perfectly for me.  Learned a few more things about Visualizer and SuperStar, and how they work together.


Thanks Brian!

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