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Singing Trees and Sequencing


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I am adding 4 signing trees to my display.  I have 5 LOR controllers and 2 will be designated to the trees (32 Channels)  The other 3 controllers (48 Channels) will be for various display items and lights.  I hae researched sequencing and I am trying to figure out what do I do with the other channels while the trees play.  There are some sequences out there that are ready to go and run with the trees but how do I use the other channels.  If I buy "you can modify" sequences" then the ones I have found are only able to go up to 48 Channels.  If I go in to the program and paste the sequences for the trees -32 Channels to the "you can modify" sequence does that give me 32 + 48 total sequnced channels?  If so what do I do with the other controllers?  I am new to all of this.  Last year was my first year adding the LOR controllers and I had 32 channels and purchased "ready to use" sequences.  Any suggestions on where to get help?  What to do?


Thank you,


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If you buy a sequence and want to add the singing trees sequences the song needs to be the same in both sequencers so if you buy a48 channel sequence and add the tree sequence you now have a sequence that has 80 channels .

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Add the appropriate channels to the end of your configuration.  Copy and paste from the purchased sequence channels (use paste by time) into your existing sequence and back it up.  All done.

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Controller 3, 4,5   From LOR STORE  Run Run Rudolph by Luke Bryan (you can modify)   64 Channels.  

Controller 1 & 2    From Holiday Sequneces (singing tree sequences)

Run Rudolph Run Video Luke Bryan 2:54 32 Channels


Do I have room for another controller on this configiration?  To clarify?  32 Channels for the trees and then with a 64 channel sequence from LOR I could have 4 controllers running after cutting and pasting the tree sequences?


Sorry to seem dumb to all of this but I am trying to learn without having the wife kill me :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK i figured out the cut and paste part of adding the sequece of the trees to the modifiable sequence.  Next question.  I would like to run one show with the trees running then the next show just light and alternate the shows.  Next show trees and lights, next show larger light show with larger sequences.  Can I have the trees be controller 1 and 2 and not effect the next shows?  Do I need to add at the end of my line of controllers?  Controller 1 and 2 being the trees will that effect my next set of sequences and how do I get the next set of sequences to not regonize the controllers 1 and 2???  Does this make sense?

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in every sequence you should always have the same controller layout so 1 and 2 will always be assigned to the singing trees, if no singing trees in a sequence they will sit idle.

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How does the sequences know that controller 1&2 know that on certain songs I do not want the trees to run. Some of my sequences do not have the trees in them. I'm not sure how to leave controller 1 and 2 not running when I run the sequences running. I purchased those sequences thru light o Rama and they are modifiable. I figured out how to copy and paste the trees in to those sequences to run the program for those but I have no idea how to get the trees to not run when the next song comes on without the trees in them. When I copy and paste I paste up at the top and those controllers are assigned one and two when I run the tree/modified sequences. Next song comes on and is just a regular modifiable sequence without the trees will it run the sequence without the trees? And the other controllers 3,4,5? I'm hoping to have a lot of my display plugged in tomorrow depending on weather so hopefully I can run a test of most of it. Thank you for taking the time to respond.

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How does the sequences know that controller 1&2 know that on certain songs I do not want the trees to run. Some of my sequences do not have the trees in them. I'm not sure how to leave controller 1 and 2 not running when I run the sequences running. I purchased those sequences thru light o Rama and they are modifiable. I figured out how to copy and paste the trees in to those sequences to run the program for those but I have no idea how to get the trees to not run when the next song comes on without the trees in them. When I copy and paste I paste up at the top and those controllers are assigned one and two when I run the tree/modified sequences. Next song comes on and is just a regular modifiable sequence without the trees will it run the sequence without the trees? And the other controllers 3,4,5? I'm hoping to have a lot of my display plugged in tomorrow depending on weather so hopefully I can run a test of most of it. Thank you for taking the time to respond.

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How does the sequences know that controller 1&2 know that on certain songs I do not want the trees to run. Some of my sequences do not have the trees in them. I'm not sure how to leave controller 1 and 2 not running when I run the sequences running. I purchased those sequences thru light o Rama and they are modifiable. I figured out how to copy and paste the trees in to those sequences to run the program for those but I have no idea how to get the trees to not run when the next song comes on without the trees in them. When I copy and paste I paste up at the top and those controllers are assigned one and two when I run the tree/modified sequences. Next song comes on and is just a regular modifiable sequence without the trees will it run the sequence without the trees? And the other controllers 3,4,5? I'm hoping to have a lot of my display plugged in tomorrow depending on weather so hopefully I can run a test of most of it. Thank you for taking the time to respond.

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If you don't want the 32 channels on controllers 1 and 2 to be lit then just leave those channels blank in the sequence editor or am I missing something here.

The controllers stay on power all the time. I leave mine on all season 24/7.

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How do I leave those sequences blank?  Do I go into the modifiable sequences and just paste in the siinging tree sequences at the top? to create the sequence with the singing trees.

Then on the bnext song how do I select it not to play on controller 1 and 2? 


I appologize for not knowing what I am doing!  This is my first year attenpting this and may have bitten off more than  can chew.


Thank you!

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When you buy a sequence you don't change your controller Id's to match the sequence you change the sequence to match your controllers

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each sequence has controllers 1 and 2 running.  Singing trees has controller one and two operating those controllers and then the modifiable sequences that are just lights from light o rama has controller 1, 2 and 3 (some have 1,2,3 and 4) running the lights in the sequence.  I am trying to figure out how to make 1 and 2 run the trees and 3,4 and 5 run the lights.  Then the next song I would like to run 3,4 and 5 alone to just run lights.  The reasoning is there are not a lot of sequences out there for the trees that my wife likes.  an example is the dueling bells-fast pace but no singing.  I would like to run it but how do I get it to run without having it run controller 1 & 2.  Then I would like to have the next song be the singing trees with Christmas can can running all controllers 1 & 2 being the trees and 3, 4 and 5 being the light o rama sequence.  


As you can tell I have no idea what I am doing :(  However I will learn!

Dennis I am not sure how far away from you I am but if burbank IL is close to I-65 or I-74 I may be willing to drive there to learn.  I am just north of Indy off 65.

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If you want a channel to be off just don't program any content in that channel row. If it is already contains events, right click on the row and select row and then right click again and click off.

Do this for any rows/channels you want to be dark.

Your sequence editor channel config should be the same for all songs. Just the events in each row change.

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