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Keeping in mind that my knowledge base of pixels is limited, and E1.31 is zero/zilch/nada.  I currently run a setup that consists of CCP's on the roofline, CCP arches, CCR tree, and 3 different CMB24's outlining my windows, garage, porch posts, and carport posts.  I can sequence what I have pretty well, notice I did not say great! Obviously everything is LOR protocol as that's what I'm comfortable with, know and understand.  Clearly most people recommend a san-device of some kind.  Getting into that world is a bit scary for me, but then again so has every step in my expansion since my first controller 10 years ago.  I'm seriously considering the pixcon16 and I've read enough to have a good understanding of it.  My dilemma is this:  I only care to add 1 more element to my display (not this year, next).  I want to add a pixel spinner or 2 and I want them on top of my roof.  I have a flat roof, so this is a good place for it.  The front yard and face of the house is complete.  I don't care to add anything else, the only thing I could consider changing is switching all the dumb stuff to smart stuff.  The design would not change, only my capabilities.  Spending $3-400 on a san-device/enclosure/ps/pigtails....or the pixcon16, COULD replace all of my other controllers.  But I already own all the other controllers, I can't justify spending $ and time learning a new device when the only thing I want to add is a pixel spinner.  That being said....a CCP for the spinner will be $200 and I'm locked into only 1 element with it.  Getting a pixcon16 isn't too much more expensive, but I gain a ton more advantage with it.  The problem is like I said, I already own what I need for my display and my yard/house is fairly large and spread out. Having a controller stationed at each element like I currently have, is best.  A san-device or pixcon would be centralized and then cords going every which way and still needing an enclosure and power injection every so often.  Correct?  Yes I know that if I had more capabilities then I would probably expand even more and want to add more elements instead of being content where I am.  But I'm still faced with the distance between elements.  My spinner will be on the roof, that much I know for sure.  The next elements, if I indeed added more, would be 100' away or more by the time it dropped to the ground and across the yard.  Considering the fact that I'm not just getting started....I do have many controllers and dumb strings already, would you still advise me to purchase something like a pixcon?  I struggle to think that I will spend $200 on a CCP and be done....knowing that I could spend $300 or so and have much, much more.  But then I understand that there is a learning curve still, and $300 is just for the enclosure.  All the pixels would need to be replaced as well.  Not cheap.


you should consider looking at Josha Systems ECG-P controller Around $85.00   it will give you 2 Dmx universe in E1-31 that 170 pixels each universe .


I slowly converted AC strings over to smart pixels similar to like what you discussI started with a San device e6804. Only 4 outputs to get my feet wet and see if I could make it all work. Assembled and tested for $99. I increased to the 16 output controller this year only using some and now have outputs available for future use as needed. There in lies the rub... Test with a few outputs or go big and future proof from the start.

My first e6804 and strips was done under $350 and that included 200 pixels. ( I'll exclude exchange and shipping to Canada). That was e6804, power supply, enclosure, pigtails and pixels


That's what I struggle with.  $350 including 200 pixels.  2 CCP's is $400 including 200 pixels and without the headache of configuring or assembling.  Or, 1 pixcon16 and pw, enclosure, pigtails and pixels about the same as yours, $350.  But 16 outputs opposed to 4 on the e6804.


Buying during the pre sales snd assembling myself, I have a 12 string pixel tree driven off of a E682 for a little more then the cost of 2 ccp's. Eventually the cosmic color stuff will be more of a headache because at a certain point you will have to run multiple networks. I found it easier to just setup E1.31

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