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New to LOR. Confused about timings.

Gary N

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This is my first year with LOR, I have 32 channels and around 14,000 leds. I played around with sequencing and  had know idea what I was doing. I deceided to buy sequencing from holdman, and I learned alot. Alot of copy and paste, clean it all up, and you will have a great show. I have learned alot about how it all works. This is why I came to the forum, I am still having a problem with timings, BW, I have been playing with audacity, and still confused with timings. Learning from reading the forum. Thanks

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Some how part of the message was lost, I was running out of the house at the time. Sorry. The question was about using the timing wizards. I have found info in the forums about this. I am still learning out how to use the fourms, new to computers, as well as LOR. Thanks, we can kill this thread.

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Don't worry about it. And definitely no sorries needed. I'm in my 4th season and those stinking wizards can be a pain. Sometimes, with Audacity, without Audacity, mouth open, legs crossed, doesn't matter - I just can't get it with a timing wizard. Next song, perfect.

So as you go on learning, there are some great helping folks on this forum.

Just keep asking.

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You most definitely can learn from Holdman sequences.   He has smooth fades, and nice smooth sways. With this approach you can take songs that are fast & actually slow it down a bit so you don't get all that flashy flashy stuff.  You can get nice clean flows in your sequences. You see Rabbits right, well if you put me beside that Rabbit, that Rabbit would have an higher IQ......and so if I can do sequencing anyone can, & that includes doing 12, 16 CCR / Pixel String Sequences.


By the way you can get Holdman sequence from here when he was at one time sharing them. Please look under shared sequence Lor S2 http://www.landolights.com/


You can also get good info from that sight. 

Edited by lightzilla
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