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Question about license level


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So if I want to use SS to sequence my 12 string pixel tree I would need to purchase the 24ccr level. Is that correct? I am currently using S3 Advanced
with SuperStar Demo. Thanks

Edited by packen
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Ok. That's what I thought. I had hoped maybe because I was using pixels instead of ccr's it might be different. Looks like I will have to use nutcracker. Don't have the money in the budget this year for

SuperStar.  Thanks for the super fast reply.

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The license level actually depends on the channel count. A CCR uses 150 channels, so the 8 CCR license will export 8 x 150 = 1200 channels.  The 24 CCR license will export 3600 channels.

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I have 12 50 pixel strings so it's a total of 1800 channels. It's a big jump from 8 CCR to 24 CCR. I already spent this years budget on my tree( actually more than the wife knows), so it looks like the upgrade will have to wait till next year. Thanks again for the super fast reply.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I asked this earlier today..,This is my first year into Light - O - Rama, and I am looking to purchase a SuperStar Sequencer license. I will be running 6 100 pixel (2 x 50) for a total of 600 pixels, plus a 3 channel star on a 10 foot pole. My question is, what SuperStar license will I need to purchase?"

The answer I got back..

The Superstar license is based on the number of channels that you want to export to the Sequence Editor.




A 4_CCR license would let you export 600 channels.

A 8_CCR license let's you export 1200.


If you don't program the star in the same sequence as the other pixels, then you could go with the 4_CCR license.


So which license will I need?


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I have a 24 CCR licence level and am only using about half that right now. You only need the license to EXPORT. You don't need it to PLAY them. You should go for the higher level license if it's within your budget. PLAN for the FUTURE.

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Each pixel uses 3 channels. If you have 600 pixels then that uses 1800 channels. Or the other way to look at it, is that a CCR has 50 pixels. So 600 pixels is the same as 12 CCRs. So you need the 24 CCR license since the next one below that is 8 CCRs.

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Thanks guys. After I posted, that`s what I figured out what I would need to get is the 24 CCR license. I appreciate all your help. Have a good one!

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