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spent all day setting up my halloween display , got my faces up and my pumkin patch went to hook up to my brand new light o rama 

g3 mp3 director  and nothing getting a message https://www.dropbox.com/s/wh6gnakrdtfqtj1/WP_20151003_20_10_51_Pro.jpg?dl=0

okey i will admit i did have problems writing the sd cards and i did just used the same card over and over again is this my problem or is it from the director i am using two cat 5 going in diferent directions    i am at wits end . please help me this message is not in the manual



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Init is shown when the G3 Director starts up. The longest I've seen it there is 30 seconds or so.


Does it stay in that state the whole time?

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yes and i gave it a couple minutes now this is after i programed show time and i pluged it in well after start time i bought the cards from light o rama but i did have problems with files and had to keep downloading on same card could this be my problem  i do have more cards or can i erase whats on the card some how 

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Step 1 - Rule out trouble with the director. Create an "all on" sequence for one of the controllers. When you create the show have it 'play anytime' and see if it runs. Are you still using 3.12.2 version of the software?

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If memory serves, in 3.12.2 you have no option but to use 2 networks if you want to use both ports. (I could be wrong here, someone jump in if you know the answer.)


If you are using both network ports make sure that the controllers connected to the NET2 jack are set for AuxA.

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okey i was wrong on software i am 4.12 advance  created an all on sequence went into simple show builder set time for all day and all night downloaded on a new card  still getting same error message with card in or out doesnt mater

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got up early this morning 4 o clock deleted all cards rewrote checked all conections reset g3 said a prayer and it works.. i think my problem could be blamed on pilot error once again.  first time is always the toughest

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I understand the pilot error part! Did that a couple nights ago. Although I only have my year round landscape lighting up, I wanted to play the first Christmas Sequence that I have converted to the substantially changed channel layout for 2015. One of the parts I particularly wanting to see was a WS2811 strip along a planter that was controlled as 8 groups of 12 pixels in 2014 and now it's controlled as 94 individual pixels. Wanted to make sure I converted it right, and I also wanted to see a hand drawn twinkle effect I had created.

Created a show with just the one song and played it as a show on demand. Not only did the pixels not play right, they didn't play at all! Head scratched that for a bit and then realized that DMX universe 2 was not turned on in the network configuration because I don't use those lights yet in my year round lighting show. Turned on universe 2 and it worked perfectly. And my hand drawn twinkle looked really good too.

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