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looking for a simple 1 channel skull prop to use in my Vis file.

Old Sarge

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Working on my Halloween Visualizer and am looking for a 1 channel Vis of a skull.


The closest I have found is two channel and I am having problem resizing it and moving them as i will be using about 10 of them..


also if possible a simple 1 channel tomb stone, ghost etc.


I am using a lot of single lights in my display but will have about 48 channels to play with but I am using 2 controllers for my singing monster faces..


Thanks in advance..  I would like to have any VIZ and prop etc. that anyone can send me.. I have some but not a lot..


Thank You



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I found single channel pumpkin... Just my luck I found it after I had about given up on searching... 


I have a different problem now... lol


When I put a lpf into my viz it is so large I cannot get to the center to move it ...


I can only get to the top center and top corner handles..

the one I am referring to is tombstone RIP .lpf when it goes in it to to big for me to change it or move it to a different location.


How do I make it smaller before importing it into the visualizer?


Thanks everyone..

Edited by Old Sarge
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