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Non RGB control from SuperStar...


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Perhaps my newness will again show in this question, but...

In Superstar, can one control spotlights (regular 110volt lights) or strings of regular lights (like Christmas lights) hooked to the LOR160xW g3 16-controller box?

I can't seem to find it anywhere in the docs.


I want to plug in 4 spotlights to 4 of the channels of the LOR160xW g3 16-controller box's pigtail plugs and then control them (on/off and brightness/dimness) as my regular RGB (CCRs) show progresses.


Thanks in advance for any help. Apologize, too,  if I've just overlooked something simple in doing this someplace.

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Superstar has two modes, "CCR Mode" and "Visualization" mode. If you click on the File menu and select "Import Visualization" you will be in visualization mode. Anything you can make a visualization of you can import and then control it from superstar.


Do you have a visualization of your display?

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Well - I now have created a visualiztion file which contains a matrix (using Matrix Wizard) and the 4 flood lights I'll be using.

But - when I import the visualization it says it must be Horizontal not Vertical --- so I made that change. Now I copied and pasted a sequence I've already coded into my new visualization and it looks right in CCR Mode but not in Visualization Mode. And I can only see the NON-RGB flood lights in the visualization mode.


Am I  still doing something wrong? Or, misunderstanding something.


I have the sequencing of the CCRs down pat - and am thrilled with how complex and wonderful my show will be ... IF ... I can get over this last hurdle!


Thanks in advance for your help!!!!!!!

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It says: "Found a Prop made with the Visualization Matrix Wizard made with the setting 'Consecutive Pixels Run; set to Vertical. SuperStar does not support this. The layout of the matrix will be bad.


Please create the matrix with 'Consecutive Pixels Run' set to Horisontal."


This comes up when I try to open my visualization fle in SuperStar.

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Sorry about that, I got lazy and didn't write the code to support a vertical matrix created by the matrix wizard. The work-around is to create a horizontal matrix with the wizard, and when you are all done, select the matrix prop and use the handle that has a circle and rotate the prop to be vertical. Be sure to make it so pixel one of each string is on the end where your controllers are.


Import it into superstar and it should work. Let me know if it doesn't

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Kinda sorta - but it plays upside down!


Pixel 1 is at the bottom according to the numbers in the visualizer screen.


Also,,,do I use a scene to control my flood lights? If so, how do I adjust their brightness?

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After importing, bring up the scene dialog box, click on the top pixels in the green sequencing grid and check that the top pixels in your visualization light up. If they do then it imported correctly.


Do you want pixel 1 to be at the top of the screen? If so that means your controllers are at the top. Are they at the top?


When you create the matrix in the matrix wizard, have "Start matrix At.." set to "Bottom Left"

Set "Consecutive Pixels Run..." Horizontally


After creating the matrix rotate it clockwise 90 degrees and pixel 1 of the first string will be at the top left.


If you want pixel 1 at the bottom, then in the matrix wizard have "start matrix at" set to "Bottom Right"


After creating the matrix rotate it clockwise 90 degrees and pixel 1 of the first string will be at the bottom right.


If you do one of the options above then the matrix will be structured the same way that superstar does it when in CCR mode.

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Finally Got it! I did Bottom Left but should have done Bottom Right!!!




Finally - do I use a "Scene" To turn on and off the flood lights (non RGB)...and how do you then control their brightness?

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You can use scenes or morphs, but with just 4 of them you will probably want to mostly use scenes. If you defined them as white in the visualizer then you should use the "white" color control to set the brightness. What color did you define them as in the visualizer?

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Two are RED and two are BLUE


But I would think it wouldm't matter in real life if I did them all in white in SS .... but maybe I'm wrong on that.

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However you define them in the visualizer will determine how superstar treats them. If you define them as they really are, then the two red ones will respond to the red color control and the blue ones will respond to the blue color control. And you can use a visEffect to do a morph across the visualization, and if the morph is blue it will turn on everything that is blue that is in its path.


But if it is simpler for you to think of them as white then define them as white in the visualizer and they will respond to the white color control.

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  • 1 month later...

Brian, is there a way into the instant seq and TCM to adjust to non RGB, I have around 12 props of regular lights and 11 ws2811 on Visualizer and also in SS I have the Visualizer file, just want to play some instant seq but I don't see how I can adjusts any TCM effect to regular lights, TCM is controlling the regular lights and the ws2811

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If you have a matrix of RGB lights, and you import the visualization horizontally into superstar, superstar should put the matrix of RGB lights on the bottom. Then it should put props above that. It keeps props in groups, and normally puts as many props as will fit on a row, or it detects rows of lights (marked by the green lines in the visualization) and puts those rows together if it will fit on a row.


There is no "regular light" setting. But what superstar does do is look at each row of lights to see what colors are in that row, and then only applies effects to that row that contain those colors.


For example, if a row red, green, blue, and white lights in it, and you have chosen RGBW for the color in the TCM then it will rotate through red, green, blue, and white for the effects on that row.


But if the the row had only RGB lights in it, and even though you set RGBW for the color, it will only rotate through red, green, and blue for the effects in that row.


If you had a row with only white strings of lights in it and you chose RGBW for the color in the TCM, then it will only use white for the effects in that row.


So if you set RGBW for the color and you have a row with some white strings of lights and some RGB lights, then the white strings will only receive 1/4 of the effects because 3/4 of the effects will be red, gree, or blue and they won't do anything to the white lights.


But that may not have answered your real question, post again if you have more questions.

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Thank you Brian, it answered my question about how to Instant seq non RGB string, I saw that my Visualizer has 11 ws2811 and 12 regular lights, in Instant seq I can play in any TCM from 1 to11 fro ws2811 and 12-13 to a non CCR 12 props in my case.

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