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Error: can't add any more smooth effects. Buffer size exceeded.


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I get this error message. "Error: Can't add more smooth effects. Buffer size exceeded."  Is there a way to work around this so that I can add more smooth effects?

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Sorry, there is no way around the limit. The current limit is 1000 smooth effects. I can go ahead and increase it to 2000 in the next release.


You must like smooth effects!

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Thanks for that quick response. I'm not sure what that 1000 smooth effects limit means. Is it 1000 for me over a lifetime? Per license? Per computer?  I'm sure that I'm not actually using anywhere near that many smooth effects in sequences that I'm actually using. It's not like I'm lighting Disneyland. I do a lot of experimenting with effects and I back up sequences a lot. So my question is: is there a way for me to get rid of some that I'm not using so that I can add again. Clearly, I don't understand how the limit works. I'd appreciate some help so that I might better understand. I'm familiar with things like editing my Windows registry, so I'd be OK with a moderately technical path to getting SuperStar back to it's former self on my system. The limit has put a snag in my Halloween preparations. Since, under my new license, LOR doubled the number of pixels available for SuperStar, I doubled the size of a matrix and was in the process of extending effects from last years matrix over to include the new matrix. I'm not sure where to go from here. It's less fun if smooth effects aren't an option. It's been my experience that features like smooth effects in SuperStar stimulate creativity and thank you for that. A part of my creative process is risking failure which is something I experience more than I care to admit. Knowing that there is this limit, be it 1000 or 2000 causes me to be more cautious. I was happier when I was unaware that the supply of smooth effects was running out.

Thanks for taking the time to listen to this amateur's perspective. 


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Sorry, I should have explained. The limit is per sequence. The fact that you are getting the error indicates that you have 1000 smooth effects in that sequence. In the shockwave dialog box there is a list of all the shockwave effects in that sequence. The error indicates there are 1000 smooth effects in that list and it can't add anymore. In order to add more, you need to delete some of the ones in there.


The limit is not related to your license. The limit of 1000 effects per sequence is the same in the demo version and all other licenses on up to the 80 CCR license.


If you have less that 1000 smooth effects and are getting the error, please email the .sup file to brian@superstarlights.com and I will take a look at it.


The .sup file will be at:


c:/ (your lightorama folder) / SuperStar / Sequences

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Thanks again for your quick response. I'm feeling much better about smooth effects. As I look at the sequence, I guess it's possible that it has 1000 smooth effects. I see the list of 1000 effects in the dialogue box and I assume that, if an effect is listed, it exists somewhere in the sequence. I guess I do need that 2000 limit. Thanks again.

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