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Converting small lanterns to "Pixels"


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For 2016, I will have a 99.99999% RGB display, and a 99.99998% pixel display. There are just one set of lights that I really like, but it would be pointless to convert them to pixels, because they have colored plastic sides on each lantern which would ruin the colors.

I want single color, fairly bright LEDs in each of them, and each needs to be individually controlled. Each string has 24 lanterns, and I have two strings, and I would like to keep the cost below £40 for both. 

As I am upgrading to mainly pixels, I will have 63 channels of dumb RGB stuff left over for 2015, which I could use, but to have two wires going to each light will take a lot of wire and it will be very, very thick, which would obscure the view of the lights behind. 

Intelligent lights would be nice, but after about an hour of searching for ways to do this, I have not come across any single colored pixels.


Does anybody know anything I could use?

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