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Pushing LOR to new Limits

Jeff Messer

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What's your biggest sequence you have opened in LOR. Created one and it was 2.82 gig and it opened it. Just have to be careful with copy and pasting. LOL



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I haven't tried yet this year. I'm too affraid!!


Last year it was 400MB & I know it's going to balloon this year.

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Most of mine are 600MB to 700MB and no issues with these. One I made today in xl4 was 2.4gig and LOR opened it fine. Copied most of it over into the sequence editor and file size is 1.4gig. With everything off and undo set to zero grid not moving still bogs the visualizer and SE down. Attempted the PE and pixels play fine in it but the regular network channels did not import properly so I could view all in the PE. I posted it in the Pixel Editor section to see if Matt has any ideas.

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