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Sequencing in Video Editing Software


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Instead of using Nutcracker, I have been using Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 to sequence my matrix and icicles. I am really pleased with the result:





The EQ effect is soft of lost in the video, and the colours/colors are a little strange. My screen recorder didn't like it.

The graphics were created in Photoshop/After Effects and all put together in Premiere Pro. I think the morphs look really good, and I can do all kinds of effects not possible in Nutcracker and that would take ages in the SE/Superstar.


It is also easier than superstar, that sequence (so far) took less than an hour.



When finished, I exported the video as an MP4 and used FFMPEG to turn it into a Jpeg sequence. This is imported into Nutcracker, using the picture effect, then turned into an LAS/LMS and the sequence is "painted" onto the pixels in the Sequence Editor. Having a video effect would be nice.


What do you think of this method???


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Very creative! You can use the exact same process to get content into S4's Pixel Editor.

Alternatively, PE has a video effect - so you can skip the ffmpeg step. The only caveat is that the video effect requires a file in the uncompressed AVI format.


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The video is hard to see, maybe screencast o matic or a different one will show up the effects better.

Matt's point is right on, there are many editors that will bring in the video without the extra steps needed by nutcracker.  Some faster than others, but they can do it.

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Very creative! You can use the exact same process to get content into S4's Pixel Editor. Alternatively, PE has a video effect - so you can skip the ffmpeg step. The only caveat is that the video effect requires a file in the uncompressed AVI format. Matt

I am going to upgrade to Pro soon. I think ELOR may help by making the video smoother.

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