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need serious help


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This has been a crazy year and I am terribly behind in programming. we were going to move for work, so we weren't going to have a show this year, then my husband got a different job, so now we decided (yesterday) that we weren't going to move.  So show back on  THEN,  I was scheduled for surgery on my right shoulder on the 1st of July (I am right handed).  I was going to just modify shows from the past couple years, would have had plenty of time.  But today, they changed my surgery to Tuesday! (the 23rd)   It is a 12 week recovery which is going to cut it really really close.  What I need are sequences for a 16 channel spiral tree.  Can anyone help me out...PLEASE, pretty Please!  email me pjfantetti@yahoo.com   please.

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Email me your LCC file ( channel config ) and songs that you would like and I would be happy to help you out as best as i can. home@FlorenceScapes.com

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thanks, I am just going to use sequences from old shows and tweak them.  But we wanted to do a 16 channel spiral tree this year instead of a 8 which we did last year and some of the old sequences don't have a spiral tree in it at all...so I have to add.  Thats why I wanted the programming for it.  should make it easier. I should be able to get it done with just some help on the tree... once I get out of the sling.  will be in it for 6 weeks so that will put me first week of August..... uhhhggg  surgery is Tuesday

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here is the link to the ones I had last year... includes a 16 ch spiral tree and 2 archs... hopefully they can help you 




North Jersey Lights Sponsored me so I could share these with anyone who wants them


Thank you again North Jersey Lights

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