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Sequence flipped

Larry Leonhardt

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I made a short intro sequence for a 13 ribbon matrix, but when I export it to the sequence editor, it's upside down. What did I do wrong ?


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It's likely working correctly, but you are not really seeing what you think you're seeing when you look at the matrix in SE. Remember you are likely only seeing the first pixel in each string. Play it into Visualizer to confirm. You can also expand the groups for each string (assuming each string is a group) and it might be easier to see what's really happening.

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When superstar exports a sequence it orders the controllers with the lowest unit ID at the top and the higher unit IDs at the bottom. Often, this does not correspond how you have the controllers laid out in your actual display. So ignore how it looks in the sequence editor. It will look correct on the actual lights.


You did nothing wrong, in your case, the lowest unit ID ribbon is probably at the bottom of the matrix so it gets exported to the top and that is why it looks upside down in the sequence editor.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yep. That was a great test Dave, Glad it working now so all is well....

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Found the same issue (not really an issue but the way it works).  

13 X 120 matrix  with controller at the bottom right.  

When exported to the sequence editor it appears on the screen as upside down but when played on the visualizer it is correct.  

Apparently the export process starts a the lowest number and goes to the highest number (resulting in an upside down sequencer screen).  

To keep my sanity I renamed my ribbon groups on the sequencer screen with strip 13 Bottom (even though on the screen it is above the other ribbon groups and  with ribbon 1 Top, which of course is on the bottom of the screen).

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Correct Jerry. Matrix sequences will require a couple pieces of information on the setup. Controller placement, SE setup (which most of us start with the bottom of the matrix first in the SE) and the matrix setup in your visualizer file. If either one of these are wrong it can be flipped/upside down...   Hope all is well Jerry and its going to be a very bright year south of you. Matrix prop has been built and programming has been changed.

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With a matrix it is not so much as being upside down just appearing that way on the sequencer screen if made in Superstar with the controllers at the bottom.  Works correct in the visualizer and on the actual display just looks weird on the screen.

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Wait till you see one 58 feet long.. LOL Talking about weird looking. Visualizer looks fine so far,,,  That will be 81x 50 and each stick of emt is 20 feet long.

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