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A projection Tune To Sign and please follow these rules projection sighn..

Old Sarge

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Has anyone made a projection screen video to use as a tune to sign.


It could include the radio freq, time of shows, etc. as well as run a basic set of please dont bother the neighbor rules..


It can be set on a repeat loop or shown at a lower brightness during the show..


 I think that could be a good alternative of having to use a lot of lights and another channel or two to run it..


It could show more information also as to how you made your show... because a lot of people want to know how it is done etc...


It could be projected from a small projector mounted in threes, etc. so as to not be easy for someone to steal or damage. als being projected... you can make it larger or smaller by moving the distance or if or resetting it..


I think it can also be set so if you want to.. you can interrupt the show and have a announcement come over it telling someone to move their car from the driveway of your neighbor etc..


was just a thought as I have not seen a post where anyone has talked about it. just seen then talk about signs etc. but not projectors..

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Instead of using mp3 files you could use mp4 files for sequencing. Then you could have messages come up at the beginning of your sequence. To have instant messaging you could use a trigger to play the message.

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I dont plan on doing it.. I was just wondering if someone had how did it turn out.

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  • 3 months later...

Sarge, I use a projector in a large front window to rear project my "sign" to our viewers.  I have a laptop dedicated to the projector (I could use a dvd player).  It runs in a loop, Virtual Santa stuff and commercials, that say Merry Christmas and Tune to 105.3 fm, etc.  The visuals were created by buying the Virtual Santa CD and ripping, copy and pasting them into Windows Movie Maker along with the commercials and effects used that I created in Word.  Then, saved as an mp4.  I burned the new movie loop onto a dvd and play it continuously through Windows PowerDvd software so it loops without leaving full screen mode. 

Works great.  Yes, there is no external audio heard by viewers.  Yes, when a sequence ends, run on another dedicated laptop with sound, there is a chance that Virtual Santa may keep conducting music that is not playing.  But kids don't care about that and Larson won the great light fight doing the same thing...

I'm starting to get excited about putting lights up this year after typing all this!

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