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sequence modifing


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hi this is my first year using lor . can you modify a 64 channel sequence to 144 channels. I have lor controllers and d-light controllers, just tring to figure out the lor software and sequences

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depends on what you mean by modifying.  My interpretation of what your asking would only require that you add the additional controllers/channels to the 64 channel sequence (they will appear at the bottom).  you would want to change the names to something meaningful for you (Window1, Window2, etc.).  From that point your options are endless.

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If you obtained or purchased a 64 channel sequence, you can normally modify it and assign the rows to your light channels as you wish. Be sure that when you load up the acquired sequence and your own, that you click on the "Paste by Time" option on the left side of the SE. This will insure the data goes into your new sequence in the same location in the song. Going from 64 to 144, basically, get the 64 going the way you want in the visualizer, then expand from that to other channels, again, as you wish. Personally speaking, I don't always use every channel in every song. Some are reserved for special uses such as I have a Snoopy in his Red Baron mode, on his dog house, on its own channel. I don't turn him on for every song but he is proudly used during the Snoopy/Red Baron Christmas song.

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The easiest way might be to create your own 144-channel sequence first.

Then copy/paste (definitely using the paste by time option) various channels from the 64-ch sequence to wherever you want them in your new 144-channel one.

Suggestion: Click the Video Tutorials link at the top of the forum and then scroll down the page you're taken to. LOR has 4 excellent videos regarding basic sequence setup that are well worth the time it takes to watch them.

Edited by George Simmons
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