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Silent Night , The Temptations

Old Sarge

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In the work... about 1/2 finished... singing tree faces for this song..


I am a newbie so please dont just pick it apart and say anything bad you can think of about it nothing else.... LOL


At least I tried doing as I have found no one else who even attempted to do it.... LOL... Just having fun here... 



If you want to check out what I have so far just ask me..


the completed version will have 2 archs, a spiral mega tree and misc things on it.



Edited by Old Sarge
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I  did the singing tree's last year for this song

Edited by angelmj08
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Sarge I give you props for doing all  you do.  I have tried and mine always look like monkey butt.    I could not even get a 3 second 6 word sequence to look right.  We are generally our own worst critics but I know what I can and can not do.   I honestly do not think that anyone on these forums would throw rocks at you.    But when  you have it finished I would love to check it out.  Your past songs have been excellent.   Paul    paul.johnson3@cox.net

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Cool... and thanks for the kind words.. I have been trying to learn more about Papagayo... Bob was really a great help in getting me started with it.. I also did not know how to really use the Visualizer until he coached me on that.. 


I will send out as soon as I get it more finished... I think I still have a day or so to work on it as some is done with Papagayo and some of it I am trying my hand at free forming it..


I also have been using Super star in some and in parts and playing with the tapper and beat wizards to help with timing etc. for different parts of different songs.

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Yeah, the Temptations might have been pretty good every now and again, but I had to look twice at the date of the OP to make sure it wasn't a thread resurrected from April first.  Y'all had me going for a few minutes.  You guys are good - Bottomley would be proud.  Maybe even impressed. -_-


Oddly, I can see the song's potential.  Some would call it audience abuse, but you could cut it down to maybe two minutes, throw in a few fades, and use it for turning over the crowd.  Or even for clearing the street entirely.  But other than that ... 


Now if any of you were actually serious, let's see some links.  I'll gladly bow at the alter and proclaim till the end of my days the greatness of ANYONE who's sequencing can keep me awake for that entire thing. :)

Edited by George Simmons
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Not my cup of tea either....I like my music to have balls!!....christmas balls that is!! ;)

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I would like to replace it in the show but not the first one has asked for me to change it. I did not record it last year and still remains a hit out in the sticks. With the addition to the pixel tree and the singing faces to the song it ended up being a keeper. This year I have a bucket truck line up and a 4k camera so I hope to video the whole show. Here is a link to my videos. https://vimeo.com/user5606489


Edited by Jeff Messer
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hahaha... I wasnt really planning on trying it because it seems way out of my league... I am a newbie.... but wifey insisted so I went for it.... still have a lot to go on it but I am trying.... .



as for as length goes.... thats no problem for me... I dont do it for a plblic show... I do it for myself and my family who happens to come over.. I live in the country ( on the side of a mountain) and only have one neighbor who can see it... the only way anyone else can see my show is from down in the valley with a telescope if they know where to look..


I got into LOR as something to do and as a hobby to play with and do different things with..  After I get more done I will see if I can find someone who will sponsor them on their web sites for Sharing as I dont care about trying to make any money off them but will share with anyone who wants the stuff I do..

If someone shares their stuff with me I do not pass it along unless I am told it is ok to share it..


Last year my first year.... things I done for Halloween and Christmas    and I think some military stuff I was playing with  is sponsered by  http://www.northjerseylights.com/    


and can be downloaded at     share.northjerseylights.com/for_chuck/


oh I did do a couple others with faces..... We Will Rock You by Queen..


Ava Maria... the German Version, Dominique.. by the Singing Nun.. Manger 6 .. by Tom Bodet..


Little Drummer boy... Panitonix...The Night Before Christmas.. RAP.....So this is Christmas.. John Lennon....


Chipmonks Christmas.. Chip Monks... Hot Chocolate.. Tom Hanks... and some others which are in the works or will be in the works to do...




Kinda my way of saying thank you to all who helped me learn and who still helps me and shares things with me..


as a reminder... mine are with * channel (4)  Faces, (1) 16 channel Sprial mega tree, (8) Mini Trees, (4) 8 Channel Arches but set for 2 archs using 8 channels each and 6 fire sticks set as 1 using three sets of 3 channels red white and blue ( so I can also use for July etc...


My display is red white and blue,,,, most christmas is multi color and blue so far..


my first year shows and I know the video making needs a lot of work....lol



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I think I sent it to all who asked...

if you didn't get it let me on and I will send it to you again..


Took me a couple weeks to do it..


Still have some tweeking to do on it But it is all free hand..


I cant get Papagayo to time right and many mouth positions are missing when I import it into LOR.;


If you want it and didnt get it e mail me....



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just finished... first try also at making a video of a Vis file..


Sorry but to see the singing faces it needs to be full screen. faces were done free hand. didn't use papagayo on it. 


Faces in it are a little to small to show up very well.. also have included my spiral tree and arch's in it.


learning as I go..

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