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lights flash

Robert F Brown III

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I have upgraded from 1.6.3 to 1.6.9. and the lighs that are to be on all the time flash on and off why? the display didnt work after the first song so i upgraded and now thay come on and off like i said above.:(

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Hi Robert,

Are you referring to your strings of lights during a sequence? Or the red LEDs on your boards?

What kind of hardware do you have and how much?

That kind of info will help us troubleshoot with you.


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What kind of hardware do you have? (1602, etc...)

Are you able to turn the channels on (steady) with the Hardware Utility (HWU)?

Which version of the HWU do you have?

What kind of strings of lights are they?


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Does it happen regardless of the intensity?

Is it always the same string of lights or ANY time you have a channel full on?


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Could you make a new show with just that one sequence in it and try it?

Make sure nothing is in the animation, startup or shutdown tabs.


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I just want to make sure that I understand the problem.

You have a sequence. During that sequence there are one or more channels that are supposed to be on all the time (continiously)... During the sequence that channel is not staying on all the time but rather is blinking on/off occasionally.

Is that correct?

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Robert F Brown III wrote:

Yes and i think it was becouse i hade a startup and amimtion, i did a way with the startup and animation and the problem went away :D

back in business



Many people get confused by the Animation Section. The put a sequence in there an then the show gets messed up. That is because they also have a sequence in the Musical Section AND they have the same channels defined in the sequences in both sections. (So I guess they get confused because it is confusing!)...

The thing is... If you are going to use both the animation section and the musical section of the show then the sequences used in those sections should NOT share any channels between the sections.

Here is how I used the Animation Section... I have a number of small displays. Each of them is run by an independent sequence. All of those sequences are run in the animation section. Although the entire display has lots of channels, one of those sequences may have only 3 or 4 channels in it. If I put all of the channels in the animation sequence then they will step all over each other.
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