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Anyone having issues posting your  show videos on FaceBook, I've tried posting 3 but have gotten rejected all 3 times:

We have removed your video entitled (no title) uploaded at 10:40am April 24th, 2015. This video may include copyrighted material (such as a clip or audio) that you do not have the right to share.

If you think your video should not have been removed because:

  • you are the copyright owner, or
  • you have permission from the copyright owner to upload and distribute this material on Facebook, or
  • you otherwise believe you are legally entitled to upload and distribute this material on Facebook

you may request an appeal that your video be reinstated by visiting the following link: https://facebook.com/legal/video_copyright.php?video_id=895281183868756

If you do not want to appeal, there is no need to take any action. Please be careful about videos youupload in the future. If they are identified as possibly containing copyright infringing material, they may also be removed. This could result in us temporarily or permanently blocking your ability toupload videos, or permanently disabling your account.

For more information about copyright and other intellectual property matters concerning content uploaded to Facebook, please visit the Intellectual Property section of our Help Center: https://facebook.com/help/intellectual_property

Edited by godman
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I have this on all of my Vimeos and personal webpage:


All songs heard in videos belong to the Musicians and their companies.
I do not own any of the music heard in these videos but have a legitimate, bought copy and am using it under the "Fair Use" portion of the U.S. Copyright Law.


Not sure if it will help but it's always worth a try.

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That will not help on Facebook. It just scans through the video and looks for copyrighted material. If it is found, the video is rejected.


Just use a different site. There is no point in trying, Facebook scan it and it has been rejected. Don't appeal either, as you know the video has copyrighted music, so it would just waste your time, and theirs, and be lying.


Use Vimeo, and a statement like the one above. 

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I have had no problems with Vimeo. Rejected meaning the video was flagged as copyrighted? I have a bunch of shows on there, both Public and Private,never had an issue. What are the file names? Do you get rejected before or after it processes the video?


I like Ron's idea for a disclaimer, may have to use that also.

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Here is what Vimeo sent. it was after the processing and I did use Ron's disclaimer in the description field.


We can’t post your video "Corona Lights Christmas Show 2015" just yet because our Copyright Match system detected third-party copyrighted material:


Any other Suggestions?

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I wonder if the reason that these web sites detected the songs is the way people add the audio! I personally have never had problems posting anything. Now I do use Vimeo, which has less rejections than the rest, but I use live audio sitting in my car using the radio. I know some people will record the video and then use the audio they have on the computer and add it to the video. Just a thought!

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The copyright issue is coming up because of the music used I would guess. Is it a newer song? What's the name of the clip. ie. LOR Light Show by Spud Pickens sung to the tune of "dem taters ain't gonna pick themselves" heh Perhaps try to change the name to something generic such vid001. Is this a show video that you dubbed the song over? a video of the show playing on your pc screen ie Visualizer?


If you want, you can send me the video and I will try it on my vimeo page. PM me for my email address. I'll be in and out most of the day.




Oh duh, I just reread your post and got the name, damn wasn't even close :P

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I wonder if the reason that these web sites detected the songs is the way people add the audio! I personally have never had problems posting anything. Now I do use Vimeo, which has less rejections than the rest, but I use live audio sitting in my car using the radio. I know some people will record the video and then use the audio they have on the computer and add it to the video. Just a thought!

The reason you get away with it more, is because the audio is much clearer when added in after than if you record it using the camera microphone and your car stereo.


There are "bots" (Software that do a specific job) scanning through every video while it is processing. They look for a match to any material that artists/record companies have copyrighted. If the music is added in, it will sound most like (Exactly in most cases) the original, which is the one that has been copyrighted, so the bots find it, but when it is from your speakers, noise and distortion cause the music not to be recognized. YouTube and Facebook have very advanced bots. They find it most of the time, even if it in the TV in the background of somebodies video. They also have a way of users reporting it so it gets double checked by even stricter processes. Vimeo bots are not as good. They need a direct match, which is probably why you have been getting away with it.


Don't quote me on any of this. This is what I have read on the internet, and have learnt from experience.


By the way, in case anyone needs it, I add music to video and do multicam editing. Look for my thread in the coffee shop.

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