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Lights Don't Work in a Show


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One of my sequences lags in the SE, so to test it running as a show I tried to work out how to setup a show. I think I worked out how, and the control panel says that it is playing, but no lights come on.

I noticed some lights randomly came on at some time.


I have about 1/4 of the lights connected, All RS485 based stuff but missing the E1.31 stuff I haven't got yet, but is sequenced.


Any ideas?

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Is your LOR license up to date? I'm pretty sure that without a current license your lights wont work....also there's the " lights on " button on the SE. Those are the 2 usual culprits I suspect....

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If the Control Panel says the show is running, I don't think the issue is "Control Lights" in the Sequence Editor.  And if you see occasional flashes of the lights operating, then I don't think it's your license.


The first thing I would try would be running the LOR Verifier against the show.

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Are you saying that they worked but lagged in SE & don't work, except for the occasional flash, when you run that sequence as part of a show?

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Yes, exactly, Darryl Lambert. But it is the same with every sequence, even ones that run fine in the SE. My Darude - Sandstorm sequence makes the lights turn on/off but theres no pattern and only the CMB24D do it.

Controller IDs are working. My licence is OK.


The verifier complains about the channels in the (None) state, but there is nothing I can do about them really. Isn't it possible that they are ignored?

Edited by EmmienLightFan
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