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5 Channel star


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I have been trying to decide what star to purchase for my ccp tree this year and I like Brians design and the fact that its a 6 channel star since most purchased sequences use 6 channels for the star. I am just not sure that its in my budget to spend over $200 for his star. I was looking at this star (http://www.christmaslightshow.com/36-Christmas-Star-Flare-5-Channel-(Frame-Only).html and was wondering if any of you have purchased and used this star before. Any input would be appreciated.



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You are right that most purchased sequences use a six channel star.  For that reason, I would recommend going with a six channel version.  If you need to keep it inexpensive for the first year or two, you can take a piece of plywood or plastic and either drill holes in it to insert lights from the back, or staple light strings on the front.  It does not need to be fancy.  If wood, I would paint it to keep the wood in a little better shape in rain, but it should last at least a couple years.


Yes, Brian's star looks very cool.


You could always try my version of a custom Brian Bruderer SuperStar.  It's only 1,080 channels...


I'm being sarcastic as mine cost more than a normal SuperStar..

Edited by k6ccc
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Looks very good Jim. Great job on the tree too. I will probably just buckle down and buy Brians star. What's a few more hundred bucks anyway right?

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Keep your eyes open for people selling stuff. I just picked up a super star from a member,, for $30. It cost $45 to ship, then another $90 for 270 ws2811 bullet pixels. So, I'm in $165 so far, lol. It will be the coolest star in this town though.

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