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Lost and Found


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So all year I was looking at breaking up part of my display into more channels.  I kept thinking in my head what I wanted to break up, but as I looked at the number of controllers I had, it just didn't add up...UNTIL TODAY.  I'm so mad at myself, as I was cleaning out a closet I found a brand new, unopened LOR Controller.  I think when I cleaned out my office I just tucked it away real quick and forgot about it.  Why I didn't put it with the rest of the controllers, I'll never know.  At least I'm ready for next year.


So has anyone else lost and found anything for their display?

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My lights keep going missing, they keep flashing on then going off. But I can't see where they keep going off too. If you see a big heap of light, it might be mine.

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I wanted to add flying reindeer and a sleigh to my display.

I forgot what I bought and now have THREE sleighs! (2 brand new in the box still).

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This past Halloween I was looking and looking for all the 100ct Orange incandescent strings I was going to outline my house with, dang, just couldn't remember where I stored them away.  Got a phone call about Mid November from a friend that he would be bringing the tote of Orange incandescent lights and some other Halloween items I had loaned him for an event he was doing {non LOR/Non Animated}.    I had completely forgotten I loaned him the lights, if he hadn't of been honest enough to call and let me know he had them, I'd still be searching {in vain} for them!  It was nice to get the other Halloween items back as well, as I never would have missed those because I had rarely used them for the past few years.

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