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Start/Stop Sequence...Music Track Skews


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Have a number of Holidaycoro singing seuuence. I'm  experiencing some quirks as I try to edit several of them. Issue occurs on only a couple of them.

These's sequences play ok from start to finish.  But if I hit the space bar to stop playing and cursor click a little before or after where I stopped, the music tracl re-starts at where I stopped it with the space bar.

So basically, the music is being skewed a little from the time scale.  If I replay from the begining, it plays correctly again.

I'm trying to zero into a range of effects to copy and really hard when I click along several seconds of the seuqnences and I hear the same music.

Hopefully this makes sense? Assumiong it's not a SE setup preference issue but something in the couple sequences that I'm having issues with.



Edited by mpageler
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