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Coordinating Animation and Musical Sequences


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I am trying to figure out how to use loops in my future sequences. 


It's my understanding that loops are only available in animation sequences and animation and musical sequences run at the same time.


So if i am running musical sequences in my show and I want to add a loop effect at some point in the show, how would I coordinate the times of my musical and animation sequences so the loop occurs at the same (correct) time each show?  If I want the loop to occur in the middle of a musical sequence, will I have to split that song and make 3 separate shows?  Or would I just have to "program" a loop effect manually into my musical sequence? (e.g. 10 cycles getting faster each time)


I hope this makes sense.  I'm kind of confusing myself.  lol






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I think you are confusing a lot of people. I not 100% sure what your asking, but would it help you if I said that you can put an animation sequence into the musical tab? 

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OK, a couple things.  First is that animations are the only place that there can be loops.  The only way to put a loop into musical sequence would be to go into an audio manipulation program (such as Audacity) and add the loop in the music file.  Then in SE manually copy and paste the portion you want to loop.  Changing the timing for each loop creates a little extra work, but not much.


Animations and music sequences can be run at the same time (if they are each in the their respective tabs), or run in sequence one after another if both are in the musical tab.

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Yes, it does help to know that animation sequences can be run in the musical tab.  Thank you all!


As for my other question, maybe I should back up a step.  In a musical sequence, when you see a series of mini trees light up (or a mega tree rotate) faster and faster numerous times, is it a loop (or something similar) causing that effect or are all of those cycles programmed in separately?


If it matters I have all white LED 5mm minis and C9s on regular LOR 16 channel controllers with a standard license.




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In a musical sequence those would be programmed/pasted individually.


The easiest way I know to "speed up" a pattern of effects is to copy the effect and then use the stretch-to-fit paste option which allows you to paste your clipboard content into whatever length of time you determine.  If you select an ever-decreasing length of time as you paste the effect it will have the result of speeding up the pattern.

Edited by George Simmons
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From your question it appears you are looking to solve a problem using musical and animated sequences together.  It would help if you described the problem you want to solve to see if it is something that requires that level of coordination.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I want to wrap this up before asking more questions.


I didn't have a specific question as much as trying to get a general understanding of the was animation and musical sequences could be used together.  My problem was that I didn't know animation sequences could be run under the musical tab.  Now it makes sense. 


Thanks again for everyone's help!



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