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Light-O-Rama Forums

Suggestion For Future Version - Web Update


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Wasn't sure where to put this but figured gamma forum was the place - if not move it :)

What I'd like to see is a feature that pushes an update to a website - be it an image or a line of code - that will update whether your show is running.

A simple image (that could be user definable) would work... upload one version of show.gif if the show is running and upload an alternate version if it's not.

That way, if you have the show down due to weather, your site gets updated automatically. As many of us run websites to tell folks about the show and give directions, it would be especially useful.

Or - some API to hook into the system to allow us to tell status - that we could write a little plug in to do...

Maybe this exists already?

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It took me a second to figure out what you are requesting.

On your personal website you want something to say, "Our lights are on RIGHT NOW! Hurry over, quick!"... is that right?

That's a cool idea.

Without too much ado, however (although it wouldn't take emergencies into account like imclement weather) you could add a php include to your site that mimicked your show times.


if (date("H") > 17 && date("H") < 23){ // between 5pm and 11pm
echo "Our Show is Running -- Come on Over!!!";
} else {
echo "Our lights will be on again at 5pm!";


Note: that code has not been tested.

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. . .I'm invisioning monitoring the serial port, and if activity is found, update a bit in the web database . . . .

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