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New guy looking not to "reinvent the wheel"


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New guy starting to learn to the software.  Is there any summary lessons learned?


Looking for best perceived fade in/out speeds, how long to keep a section lit for a good leaping arc presentation, etc.


I know you all have develop some standards, where can I find them?



Thanks in advance.



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I'm like Will Rogers - I've never seen a display I didn't like. (Some songs should be outlawed, but that's for a different post...)

Each to their own - so to speak. No standardized programming here. Several users are sharing sequences right now. Even if it's not a song you think you would use, get some of them. Then buy the .mp3 from Amazon. Then spend hours studying what the creator sequenced. Watch others' videos. You will find some parts of each one that you like. Try to incorporate those individual ideas into your own personal style.

The timings are the number one place to start. Whatever prop you're programming, the music dictates how long it stays on or off. Fades on clear mini's look different than fades on clear LED's, which look different than colored. A MEGA ARCH chase sequence may need to stay lit longer on each segment than on a mini arch chase. Some like different quantities of segments. I like 8. Some like odd numbers to have different effects. I like the even numbers so besides chasing I can have them clap.

SE Visualizer and the animator will help, but until you hang lights and run the show, you won't really know what you like the best. Whatever you create will be great. You will amaze friends and family with your blinking and flashing. You will be your own worse critic.

Good luck and have fun with it.

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Welcome aboard the crazy fun Dan (noticed it's your first post).


IMHO there isn't a standard on speed or length for fades/chases. It depends on the space between beats. So it depends on the song. If it's a quick tempo song, the fades or arches might run faster. If it's a slower song, the speeds may run slower. Mainly it's to keep in time with the song/beats.


Then there is "how many channels" which is a factor in the speed of fades/chases. More channels will require quicker response to fullfill the fade/chase. Or less channels for a slower response.


So no standard here. Just go with the flow of the music.


just my thoughts.



Edited by Santas Helper
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What one finds to fast another finds the same to slow.  What one finds to big another finds room to expand.  It is all perception and artistic licence.  Try some and see what you like.  

As you will look around you will see stuff you really like and stuff you aren't so crazy about.

Rather than just making the lights flash to be beat, try and interpenetrate the music with lights.  Tell a story rather than just bliky blinky.  (although some find that enjoyable).

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Thanks for the input.


I'm starting out and not looking to coordinate with music just yet.  Just some experimenting with the lights to see what "looks good".


Is anyone else not using music?   Just running different (neat looking) light sequences?

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Boxcab, I run both sequences with music ( during show ) and just animation ( non-music ) for before and after the shows. Start with just an animation sequence and try some and different speeds/lengths and view it in either visualizer and/orthe animator and see for yourself. That's half the fun of this obsession...er I mean hobby. And truth be told, when we finally done with a sequence and play it all lit up on our house, you will be your own worst critic. Everyone else will ohh and ahh and you will be frantic about a beat missed here or an extra little light there. Your viewers generally dont mind one way or another, they simply enjoy it for what it is. so relax, watch the tutorials and practice some simple sequences first.

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Thanks Premier.  BTW I have family in Florence, if you have your lights up, I'll tell them to drive by some time.  I think this forum has PM capabilities, send me the details!

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