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Led lights not working


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I posted this in another topic but didn't seem to get an answer. Trying again. I have a few strings of led lights that only half the string is working. I have checked each bulb and used Both a light keeper pro and a none contact volt pen. I can't seem to find out where the break or bad bulb is.I also under stand that you need to take a bulb from the side that is working out because of the third wire carrying power all the time unless this is done. I can't bring myself to throw out all these strings of leds. Net lights and icicles. I am going out of my mind with this. Please help.

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         Just a quick FYI.

A light Keeper Pro does not work on Led Light Strings.

A LED Keeper pro does.

Hope this helps you out.

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You may have damaged the LED's on that section of lights if you tried the trigger function.


The LED Keeper is made to only help test and repair LED light strings.


Go to www.ledkeeper.com and watch the video

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Yeah, for the OP, its important that you understand that LEDs are not light bulbs. They are "Light Emitting Diodes" that were designed in such way that they produce light as a by-product if you will. Testing them is very difficult and the usual failure are rusted leads from them in the sockets. As several people stated already, a LED Keeper Pro is the tool of choice or using a spare, go down the line replacing one LED at a time. It could be there are more than one that have failed in which case, the only way to find it is the tool.

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