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Almost done... and burned out!


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Anybody else just ready to eat mashed potatoes and turkey, drink their favorite drink, and watch lights?


Display is 98% done and I can't even think about the last 2% right now.


Man getting old is such a buzzkill!

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I hear you brother.  

The humidity is up and it's 79 here.  

I can only work about an hour before I have to come inside and get some ice water.  :D

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Man getting old is such a buzzkill!

The older you get, the earlier you start set-up.  Think I should start in June next year, but then it's too darn hot.

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I am done with the outside.

Still have tweak a few of my sequences which can be done inside where it is warm.

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I'm done too and now ready to run. Will be doing a short show for the family tonight, then full show goes live Thanksgiving night. Seems this year, I got tired quicker than last year...not fair.

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I can honestly say ive enjoyed every minute of setting up mine (well except the big knot in the mega tree). My three year old helping has made nothing but smiles.

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I'm right there with you. Just sick of zip ties and extension cords and testing. I just want to see the blinking lights!


It's been in the 80's here lately so I am ready for some turkey and cold weather.

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I just worked out all the kinks and I am ready for Turkey night start up.

I am doing a soft go live tonight, So far only one bad strand - replaced and some missing music from my show laptop.


I don't have all of the lights up, yet. But that will happen when I return.

The folks who are at my house for thanksgiving will be amazed... Wish I were there to see their faces.

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I got off too a late start, just finished climbing the 60' trees out front and hitting the roof of the house so I'm less than 50% done but these old bones won't rest until complete!  shooting for this Sunday, two day late but still not bad.  We all lost a week this year with T-Day a week later!  :angry:

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I am done now.  Started last Thursday in 22 degree weather.  Today, mid 40's + 37 mph winds.  My new 17' MT just laughed at the wind!  


Tested everything together tonight with only a couple of tweaks needed tomorrow. 


The show is at the point where it cannot get any larger, or more complex, without killing me.


Wish you all luck in your final days towards first light.

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Its my first year and I went BIG, (wife said if your going to do it don't embarrass me)   :D. I'm going live on Thanksgiving night, I'm only about 80% done but I still have 2 days, hoping to do a full test on Wednesday night. Most of the hard stuff is done, I just need ta hang about another 20 strands of lights and I thing that's about it.


I must admit I was getting pretty burnt out spending every weekend and day off working towards my first show, very overwhelming, However; I was testing each controller tonight and after seeing what I was able to do I got my second wind, I know ill still be tweaking everyday even though I'm going live on Thursday. I just want o thank everyone on this forum, without their knowledge and help I would have never been able to get as far as I have,


Merry Christmas and blessings to all!

(no saying "happy holidays" for this guy)


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