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Adding controllers and channels to existing sequences


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I have about 20 sequences from last year.  

I am going to add another controller with 16 channels for singing faces.

Is there a way to paste in the new channels so I don't have to go to each sequence to add the new controller manually?

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Thanks, what took you so long?

It took almost three minutes for a reply. :D

Edited by FarrOut
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Be careful to verify things when you add. I kept running into issues where channels got moved around when I updated the configuration via that same method. Sometimes it works perfectly and other times, things got moved.

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Be careful to verify things when you add. I kept running into issues where channels got moved around when I updated the configuration via that same method. Sometimes it works perfectly and other times, things got moved.


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I tried to do the import function, but the imported channels over wrote the top 16 channels in the sequence.  

I thought they would be added to be bottom of the sequence.

The imported controller is setup to be #5 and the existing ones are 1 thru 4.

Any ideas?

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When importing it will start from channel 1-1 at the top, you need to add new channels to the bottom of existing channels then export your channels and import into the next sequence

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Be careful to verify things when you add. I kept running into issues where channels got moved around when I updated the configuration via that same method. Sometimes it works perfectly and other times, things got moved.

If you use a master track and NEVER change the order of the channels in it, and only add new channels to the bottom of the list, you will never have any issues with upgrading from year to year. The problems you encountered will never occur. Guaranteed.

Edited by George Simmons
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Thanks for all that.

What I ended up doing is opening the old sequence,

right click on channel 1, click on Insert Channels

insert multiple channels 

Insert multiple channels above

Selected 16


Then when I imported the lcc file, it went nicely into the top blank 16 channels.

Seems to work.

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If you use a master track and NEVER change the order of the channels in it, and only add new channels to the bottom of the list, you will never have any issues with upgrading from year to year. The problems you encountered will never occur. Guaranteed.

Hey George, Yes, that's what I was careful to do yet sometimes it worked fine and other times it didn't. I finally got them all modified and fixed the issues as they happened so no more changes to the hardware this year for sure.

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I guarantee you that once your channel count gets well into the hundreds you're not going to enjoy spending hours and hours manually updating and then troubleshooting and then re-updating older sequences. Not when it can be done totally 100% error-free in less time than it's taken you to read either one of these first two sentences. Your choice.

It took me until my third year before I succumbed to the master track system. It was promised that if I never deviated AT ALL from the simple rules I'd never ever again experience anything but blissful rapture while updating older sequences with new configurations. I'm still waiting for the blissful rapture part, but today I can go to any sequence as far back as 2009 and dump in my most current .lcc and there will be zero errors. Just saying.

Edited by George Simmons
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I have been importing channel configs in for years. I have never had it do anything unexpected. You just keep adding to the bottom like George says. Works perfectly every time. 

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Not being one to ignore the wisdom of the experienced, I did a search on 'master track' in LOR and couldn't find anything.

Help me understand what you are referring to, please. 

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OK.. I just had something that I thought was weird happen.  This year I added a 4th track with 4 universes of DMX in it.  I copied those channels into a 5th track so I could rearrange them and make sequencing easier.. Well I was shocked to find out the original channel config of the 4th track also changed to match the 5th track.  So that made no sense.  I thought we could rearrange channels in a copied track without effecting the original track they were in..


Was I mistaken? 

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Apparently so. I never had good results with copying tracks. (And whatever you do, don't EVER duplicate any tracks.)

What works for me is copying channels from one track to another and then using the copies in different orders and groups in the receiving track. None of that ever affects the donor track, except for the sequencing of course, which can be done in any copy and shows in all copies.

Edited by George Simmons
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You have to degroup any groups you have in the track before you can re-arrange them.


Here is one topic discussing it from a few years back.




I sometimes forget to degroup and get mad at myself.

Edited by dougd
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In the XML of a sequence, a group is a list of savedIndex ids.    The group can be used in multiple places and the order of the channels is the same in all places.   To use the same set of channels in a different order,  degroup and regroup to assign a new groupId.   

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Ok.. I left a few things out perhaps. 


I copied "groups" and then rearranged "channels" in the groups of the 5th track.  They rearranged just fine.. but so did the others in the 4th track.  Dougd, I just tried it by degrouping after I copied the group to another track.. That worked.  So you have to degroup before changing channel positions..   Damn..



Bob, your post just came thru.. I found that is what I had to do.. degroup.. wish i had known that.. Oh well.. only 4 universes... :wacko:

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