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Trouble with 27 Channel DMX controller


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I am a newby to the DMX world and was having trouble getting my new 27 Channel DMX controller working.


I have the Actidongle, 29 amp power supply, and some dump rgb nodes.


The green signal light is blinking on the Actidongle and the red light is blinking on the DMX board. I have tried it with the LOR adapter plugged into the computer as this thread suggested. I have also tried using xLights like HolidayCoro's website suggested.


Any help would be greatly appreciated,


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We need a little more info.  Do you have your lor network setup correctly and if so, does the comm listener see the actidongle? I've not had to have the lor dongle plugged in for my 27 channel controllers to work. you just check none for now in your network setup.  open up your lor control panel and that will let you see if the actidongle is active. when you open up your network preferences and select the dmx tab does the dongle show up in the drop down list? I live in Yukon and I see that you are in Edmond so pm me when you get a chance and maybe I can get you going. If not there are lots of folks on here with lots of experience that can help.

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Everything is solved. For some reason, there were two different names in the network settings on the DMX tab for my dongle.

I tried the other one and it works like a charm.




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