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SPT 1 Vs SPT 2


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Im working on finishing up my display and one of the last things I need is extension wire. Im planning on using the vampire plugs but Im not sure if I should use spt 1 or spt 2 wire. im not entirely sure on the difference either. Anyone know or jave any thoughts.

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SPT1 is pretty much the one most use, The only difference between SPT-1 and SPT-2 is the insulation. Contrary to popular belief, thicker insulation does not translate into being able to carry a higher load. Before going any further and explaining when one type of cord should be used over the other, here’s the simple answer as to what the difference is between the two ratings.


Keep in mind that you need the correct vampire plug ends, Plugs made for SPT1 wire will not work with SPT2 wire, I found the best place to get these is Home depot: they are 45.98 for 100 pieces

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The first year I used spt-2 , he second year I used spt-1. I like the spt-1 because it stores better and is much easier to handle . in my opinion if you would overload spt1 then it still would be too much a load for spt-2. the thicker insulation may be better on a roof were it would need protection against abrasion

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SPT2 is compatible with the lamp cords you can buy. Sometimes those are cheaper when you find them on sale. If you standardized on SPT2, you could add female plug to those store bought lamp cords for custom harnesses.

I find though that making C7/C9 socket cords is best with SPT1.

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Alright, where would be the best/ cheapest place to buy spt 1 wire? Is there many different types of spt 1 wire because I found a website that sells spt 1 zip cord? Also can you mix and match spt 1 vampire plugs with any type of spt 1 wire or is there certain plugs for certain wire?

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I know I am a little late been busy with my display but I sell electrical supplies wholesale to contractors and I have looked up the price for the 18/2 spt1 wire (aka zip cord) and we deal with CCI (coleman cable) South Wire are just a few and coleman was the best price it was about 18-20 cents a foot sometimes you can find it cheaper online. Also as stated the only diff between spt1 and spt2 is the casing both are still made with 18gauge wire

Edited by circleracer44
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