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Excited about next software upgrade


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First off, I'm very familiar with porting a legacy software product to .NET (in the middle of it right now actually), not a fun (or cheap, or easy) exercise. 

On the last development post from Dan he talks about putting that on hold for the time being...... that's a good move, if it's anything like what I'm dealing with at work = it's a black hole for sucking up time.


There hasn't been any updates since Aug 1st, and the part I was excited about was the update for instant sequencing 16 channel controllers (and that had the least amount of info).


Any chance on the next development update you can peel back the veil on that a little more Dan? 






P.S. Moving to .NET is a great move...... monumental actually. Kudos for biting the bullet on that one, I'm sure it'll be the least appreciated upgrade because it doesn't add features but it sure is nice to know the platform will be around for a long time. Very forward thinking and much appreciated.

If you're a glutton for punishment, a 3D modeler for visualizer sure would be nice....... what a beast that would be to program.


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Interesting, more tools is always welcome........ I want a super duper instant sequencer to create a really good base and then modify it from there.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Would be nice to have a small hint from Dan. My show is built and ready for this year but it does not take me long to start thinking of next years show. I have started buying for it already but LOR will need to support more pixels without a lag.



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There is a fellow working on an independent visualizer that "listens" to e1. 31 and potentially other protocols. He was moving onto multiple views from different angles soon.

Do you have any details for this visualizer or a link to go to?

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