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Sequence editor won't play changes


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I'm hoping there is a very simple solution to my problem that I am just overlooking.  I searched the forums for an answer to no avail. This year I added an Advatek PixLite 16 which I am using to control twelve 12v 2811's strips, eight 12v 2811 individual modules together in a flood light, and twelve other individual modules that I am using for coro mini trees.  I have each strip on its own universe (1-6 and 9-14), the 8 individual modules for the flood light on its own universe (8) and the three coro trees on their own universe (16).  I am using LOR Advanced license.


I have several CCR sequences which I purchased online.  These sequences were created in Superstar and emailed to me in .lms format.  I copied each DMX channel from the original and pasted it into my sequence editor.  I hit play, turned on control lights, and it works great!  I used this channel configuration for all of my sequences. 


My problem is anything that I create on my own (turning DMX channels on/off, certain color, etc.), it will not control the lights.  Last night I tried turning these 12 DMX channels all on (white) and playing for the first 10 sequence of the sequence but still nothing.  Once the sequence gets past the part that I changed, the lights come on and continue playing correctly the remainder of the sequence.  I have one section where I copied part of one of the files that I purchased, and I pasted it into a sequence of my own and this part will play (actual lights on).  I am not getting any error messages, lights just don't come on.


Can anyone explain why sequence editor will not play the parts I create?  How can I fix this problem?  I noticed this morning on Sequence Editor under Edit->prefences->DMX Prefences->Allow DMX editing was unchecked.  I checked this and will try again tonight after work.


***Checking allow DMX Preferences did not work.  Also, even if I copy a section of the sequence that actually plays into a section that was previously off, the lights still do not come on.***  Please Help!!


thank you for your time and suggestions

Edited by amstone110
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I was just thinking, if anyone has a test set-up, I can send them one of the files to see if they are able to make changes themselves which play.  Also, if someone has a sequence they can send me I can play it and then see if it will allow me to make changes that actually play on it.

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You got it working, cool. I was just about to ask if you had launched the control panel since the listener program won't run till you do. That listener program is what talks to those universes.

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