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Minimum suggested sequencing length


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I have recently been using onsets derived from audacity to create timings for sequences in SS. Depending on how you call up the onsets some of the changes in the TCMs are only 1/3 or even 1//4 seconds in length. Some quiet sections of a song can occupy up to 10 seconds. I have created some interesting, non boring sequences that way.


Takes a while to sequence a song in 1/4 to 1/2 second increments but not near as long as doing them manually. I load the appropriate time span as dictated by the onsets and roll the dice. Adjust the TCM speed on the LED sections and let the RGB's perform as the dice dictated. I have my grid divided so that 2 of the four TCMs  are dedicated to roofline and rgb curtain. Two more TCMs dedicated to the LED mega tree, bushes, minitrees and roof stars.


Question is what is the shortest time span I should sequence to assure I will not have issues with the actual display playing back?


Also willing to share some .sup files if anyone is interested

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That is a clever approach to doing Instant Sequence.


You ask what is the shortest time span you should use to not have issues with the actual display. You could have problems with lag if a lot of pixels are changing in a short period of time. But it is hard for me to say there is a particular time span that is too short. It would depend on the number of pixels you have, network speed, and number of networks etc.


Unfortunately, the only real way to know is to play it to your actual lights and see.

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