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Halloween 2013 Sequence files Available


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OOPS!, goofed, that 2013 in the header should have been 2014!  Ugh! :(  


Didn't catch that because I can't read what I've done or edit to correct because I don't see my posts until a day or two later and have no edit option. :angry:

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OOPS!, goofed, that 2013 in the header should have been 2014!  Ugh! :(  


Didn't catch that because I can't read what I've done or edit to correct because I don't see my posts until a day or two later and have no edit option. :angry:



    Why is that Orv??

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Maybe Orv has moved to the other side of the international date line or something.

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Don't mind me, it was just one of those nights.  Gad, seems the pain meds work too well sometimes. LOL

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    Why is that Orv??


LOL, it WAS correct the first time!  But I think I may have goofed and labelled the folder 2014 instead of 2013.    Got to find a different pain med, this one definitely works perhaps a little too well. ROFL


And yes, I DID mislabel the folders as 2014.   Good grief.   Well I'm just going to leave that as is for now since the link has already been posted as it is.

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    Why is that Orv??

I'd have to tell you that in a PM.  I have no way to edit or change things at present in my posts.  Hence all the extra ones here now.

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Sorry, 2014 IS correct, some folks got me fouled up thinking it was 2013 by their comments, but after checking the date, 2014 IS correct, so the only error was in the header of this thread stating 2013, instead of 2014.


I knew I should have been messing with that beta version of time travel when I started this thread..... :P  ;)  :lol:

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If he's taking drugs they must not be very good ones.


Looks to me like someone's been drunk-posting again.  :D

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I DO NOT, nor have I ever taken, illegal or unprescribed drugs with the exception of over the counter aspirin from a local, legal, drug store.


Prescription pain, blood pressure, and migraine meds strictly via my primary care physician, which the pain meds are really not that strong, only 50mg, BP 20mg and migraine meds are 10mg.   And I only take the pain meds if I feel I really need one or two, try not to take them at all if possible.   And I can't take the pain and migraine meds together because they are in the same family and could create an overdose situation, as the pain med is also one used to prevent the onset of a migraine if you feel one coming on.  And I'd never mix medications, nor would I even consider drinking anything alcoholic while taking them either.  


I also do not drink alcohol, occasionally I may have a very small snippet of wine, and it barely covers the bottom of a wine glass.  Never been drunk, not even once.  So that blows that theory George.

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I didn't realize that Orville did drugs. :o

That explains a lot. :P

Legal prescription medications dispensed by my doctor ONLY!

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Alcohol would be my drug of choice too....the rest have been thrust upon me by the medical profession!! ;)

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