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Adding a wood cutout

Big Sanch Mafia

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is there a way to actually add an image of a wood cut out so i can see how it performs in visualizer? I've used just a spot in the past, knowing when that goes on, its the wood cut out. But i thought i would ask and see if anyone had any ideas.


Thanks for your help



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I use several wooden cut outs and have just found someone's fixture in the listing at the top of the Visualizer forum. Assign it a channel to represent the flood that comes on and let that be it.  I have a snowman, elf village, caroller family.  Even a J O Y signs that I set up as 3 fixtures since separate spots are used on them.  Works fine.  The main thing I wanted to do is know when the lights came on or off.

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Gotcha, that's what i was pretty much doing. just wondering if they was a way to add the image of the cut out in

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You could take a picture of the cutout and use that as a background file to create a new .lee in the Vis. Then you can trace the shape of the cutout using the light string tool. Save the file as a prop. Then you can import the prop into your working .lee and assign it a channel. The cut out outline is what you'll see whenever that channel is activated.

Edited by George Simmons
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