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Looking for some ideas with extra channels


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I just can't make up my mind what to do and its getting late. Here is my dilemma. I have 51 spare channels this year because I eliminated my spiral mega tree (I now have a 8 Leg CCR and a 12 leg 20 ft Pixel tree to replace that).I have a ton of spare RED/Green/Blue and White LED lights and need to make up my mind how to use them to get the POP! I'm looking for....


Here is my display last year




I was thinking more ARCH's maybe 20 footers?

more Belagio poles?

a Marty Fan?



 A wall of lights?.....


Any ideas will be appreciated......thanks for any help


Eddie Z


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Forgot to mention I also have a Video display...if you look at the second video  you will see how one of our viewers liked it....

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You could make 7 more belagio poles with 7 ch each that are set up close together for a UV Meter. Or a horizontal and vertical lawn grid.

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I'd make sure that each of your windows/doors are four-color and individually controllable.


A 7 x 7 matrix is interesting as well.


If you're wanting specific elements to "POP", IMO the thing to do is forget about new display elements and first get all that distracting and disruptive flashing under control.  You've got a real nice canvas to work with and it doesn't require any special new display element to take it to the next level.  Start with the sequencing.  Use fades and color morphs for smoother flows and less jumping around.  Use your colors as a solid background more and that will automatically draw attention to the devices in the foreground, whatever they may be.  Mini trees would be a great addition - they're very entertaining.  (If they'll be in front, don't go crazy with the light count on each one.)  A Marty fan is good if you do it well.  A larger arch is ... still just an arch.  Don't be afraid to think outside the box.

Edited by George Simmons
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I probably have about 30 different sequences and depending on the song we try to break it up with some fast and some slow.  I get what your saying about "blinky flashy" and smooth transisitions with fades and morphs, as some songs require that..this one was more up tempo and Fun...but yes if I'm doing say yo yo ma's  "wexford carol" (which we do ) then yes thats all about Morphs and fades and soft color transisition .. In addition I try to not use all my props in every song so that there is an element of surprise but you'd have to sit thru the show to see all that. But yes George i get what your saying...all good.



Keep the ideas comming....and all opinions are welcome!!!!!

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Nice display. What jumps out at me to light up next are your eaves.


0:34 below has about the most awesome eaves I've seen.

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Wow!!  yes that is a problem for me...the one section I do have the  eves lit is about 28ft up and I can reach it...its over the garage area and I actually have a few songs  that I make the icicles lights look like they jump (thanks to another member here) there certainly is a bit of a trick to it in how you layer the icicle lights and sequence them but man your dead on!!!!! I can't reach the other part of my eaves in the front as they are about 40ft and I'm  a little leary of heights!  I was going to get a Cherry picker but around here (Charlotte NC) they want a coulple hundred bucks for a rental and I cant justify it unless I go ahead and put more lights in the trees out front? I asked a few neighbors if they wanted to go in on it  but no takers yet. I might have to just hire someone to go ahead and get some clips up there this way I can take them down and install each year...very possible..   Thanks Jstorms

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